• You have a new puppy! How exciting, this is the package for you. 4 sessions all at 45 minutes long. We will set your pup up for success in their new home and teach them necessary life skills as well as answering any puppy questions you are have.

  • Prefer one to one training? Suits us, we will work with you on any training issues you are having. You can expect an individual plan just for you that fits into your lifestyle. Lets make training fun, achievable and realistic for you and your dog!

    *Please note, your initial session will be 90 minutes long*

  • Have you adopted a rescue dog within the last 6 months? Book our resilient rescue package to help your new rescue doggo settle into their new home and live the life they deserve. We can work on vital life skills such as confidence, trust and resilience as well as any other skill you want to learn all the while ensuring your dog has fun.

    *This package includes 3 sessions all at 60 minutes long

  • Life is busy and may leave you with little time to walk your furry friend, let us help! If you want your dog to get some exercise and at the same time learn some new skills, book a walk and train. We will walk your dog and work on training activities such as loose lead walking, eye contact or confidence building.